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Arisaig in Antigonish County, was settled by Scottish immigrants of the western Highlands and Islands of their native land, most notably from the Moidart, Knoydart, Morar and Arisaig areas of Scotland. The early settlers, coming here circa 1790 paid homage to the lands they left behind by giving the names of their former homes to the places they settled in Nova Scotia . The fact that Arisaig is part of Municipal District 1 reflects another page of history when this area was the principal region of the County of Antigonish as well as the major highway to Cape Breton . The oldest highland Catholic mission in the province, St. Margaret of Scotland, began as a primitive log structure on a site near the shore in 1792 (memorial near the wharf). The present day church (erected 1878) is farther removed from the shoreline beside route 245. The first wharf was built of round logs by volunteers with some government assistance between 1811-1813. The wharf came under the charge of the Federal government in 1870, put into thorough repair by 1873, and since that time has been maintained by federal subventions. From contracts made in 1886 construction was undertaken and finished by 1889, the pier was 440 feet in length and a width of 40 to 44 feet at completion of this work. It is noted that the great gale of December 1st 1889 did significant damage to some portions of the wharf, 50 feet of the seaward face of the outer extension was carried away to 1 foot below the water level. In 1891-92 the sum of $3000 was voted to repair the damage, reconstruction of the damaged area and some improvements to the extension include close fendering of the seaward face to 60 feet from the inner end and the use of large stone against the face near the junction of the pier. All decades from the 1890's to present entailed some maintenance of the facility. Major repairs were reflected in the expenditures of 1903-04, 1908 through to 1916. September 1927 saw the completion of a new wharf, 241 feet in length and 17 feet in width. Work was completed in 1937 on a replacement breakwater, which was extended in 1943. The twenty three (23) commercial vessels at Arisaig average just over 39 feet in length (39.01 ft.). The number of vessels swell in seasonal activities such as the spring /fall herring fishery. Lobster is the most important species landed, herring is also landed in Arisaig, but not at the level witnessed in the Pictou County ports of Lismore, Pictou Landing, and Caribou. There is one fish plant currently operating at the wharf facility, Arisaig Fisheries Ltd., established in 1976. Arisaig Fisheries Ltd. also operates a plant at Lismore. Between the two plants approximately 110 people are employed. Species processed include lobster, herring, groundfish (hake, plaice, winter flounder), shrimp, and scallop.